We insert sustainable digital development practices to enable product team excellence and technological growth that brings you ahead of the curve
Rare Est. 2019
Riku while solving a really challenging problem

The Founding Story of Rare

Pyry and Oskari
Career story

Meet Pyry, Full-Stack Software Developer

Heroku Next.js Vue Docker Flutter Node.js PostgreSQL React Spark Python AWS Shopify TypeScript Azure Terraform ScalaAWS Shopify TypeScript Azure Terraform Scala Heroku Next.js Vue Docker Flutter Node.js PostgreSQL React Spark PythonNode.js PostgreSQL React Spark Python AWS Shopify TypeScript Azure Terraform Scala Heroku Next.js Vue Docker Flutter

Setting the pace for modern tech companies

Smiling person showing OK-sign

Nailing it in frontend and backend, API and cloud development

Jolly character with a hat saying 'IDEA'

Guiding projects from idea to production

Circle-shaped character smiling with it's teeth saying Agile

Agile practices from the get-go

Heart-shaped eye surfing

Strong co-creation and collaboration mindset

Zig-zag character dancing

Transparent ways of working & next level comms

Fingers snapping

Proudly building high usability products to resolve painful needs

Proudly delivered digital products with
Tieto Oyj
Tieto Oyj
Plan International
Plan International
Cult Security
Cult Security
Sharper Shape
Sharper Shape
Join for a journey
from conception to
Swift person with a Rare -paper in it's hand
Bring modern tech &
practices for a
Person running to a futuristic car with a paper in it's hand
Inject a missing
capability & skill
to your team
Flying hero with a lemon in it's hand

We adapt to our client's
environment & needs

Let's explore yours

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